There will be no school on January 21st due to the cold weather.

Mrs. SteinkampJenna Steinkamp graduated from Coe College with a BA in Music Education in 2007.  She began teaching K-12 Vocal Music at Southland and LeRoy-Ostrander in 2007 and currently teaches 6-12 Vocal Music and a music elective. Mrs. Steinkamp also teaches Food Preservation and Lighting Design in the fall and Rock Band and Needle Art in the spring as Wednesday block classes. Mrs. Steinkamp is a member of Minnesota Music Educators Association and American Choral Directors Association. She lives in rural Adams with her husband and three children.

Mrs. Steinkamp can be contacted during her prep time at (507) 582-3568 x2 or by email .

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1st Hour Music for the Contemporary Listener Music for the Contemporary Listener Prep - 1st Block Music for the Contemporary Listener
2nd Hour HS Choir HS Choir   HS Choir HS Choir
3rd Hour Lessons 6th Grade Choir Rebels Lessons 6th Grade Choir
4th Hour Lessons Lessons 2nd Block
Lighting Design/
Rock Band
Student Council Meeting Lessons
5th Hour Prep Prep   Prep Prep
6th Hour 7/8 Grade Choir A 7/8 Grade Choir B   Lessons 7/8 Grade Choir A/B
7th Hour Lessons Lessons 3rd Block:
Food Preservation/Needle Art
Lessons Lessons
8th Hour Lessons Lesson   Lessons Lessons

Contact: Jenna Steinkamp