Southland Elementary School

Southland Elementary

Brian Schoen, Principal
School Hours – 8:15 AM to 3:00 PM
200 Water Street NW
Adams, Minnesota  55909
Telephone: 507-582-3568
Fax: 507-582-7813

The elementary school serves approximately 190 students in grades K-5. Southland Elementary School strives to maximize each student’s potential by providing a safe and healthy learning environment. Children and staff recognize that by developing skills, experiencing success,  and thinking creatively, a love of learning can be developed.

Elementary Student Council

Student Council members for 2024 -  2025 are:

President: Blakely Meyer ; Vice President: Eli Clayton ; Secretary: Raelynne Voigt ; Treasurer: Ole Cambern

Classroom Reps:
2nd Grade Mrs. Sorgatz Rep: Aurora Farrell; 2nd Grade Mrs. Wilde Rep: Willow Cambern; 
3rd Grade Mrs.Wilde Rep:
Bryndle Galle; 3rd Grade Ms Brandt Rep: Christina Coyle;
4th Grade Ms.Cup Rep: Aria Olson; 4th/5th Grade Miss Tapp Rep: Meadow Horgeshimer; 5th Grade Ms. Bednar Rep: Hayden Felton.


Items that the elementary school collects

Box Tops: Easier than EVER to earn money for our school with the NEW Box Tops ap10/26/23p! They have created a simple how-to video with simple step-by-step instructions for us to share with our& school supporters. PLEASE pass this along and share with others in the community. Visit and Learn How

Coke Rewards: We are now accepting Coke Rewards online or bring them in!
Two Easy Steps:
1) Search for our school
2) Enter your code

Follow this link to enter your product codes:
Enter Your Codes Here!
Find Participating Brands!

Crayola ColorCycle: Dried/Old markers

Pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House

CASEY’S Rewards: Now you can earn points on all your Casey’s purchases – in-store, online or at the pump. Turn those points into donations for our school! Click Here to Join Today


Southland iPad Program

The focus of the iPad program at Southland is to provide tools and resources to the 21st Century Learner. Excellence in education requires technology to be seamlessly integrated throughout the educational program. The iPad computer provides a simple and portable way to manage information and allows students constant access to learning opportunities. The individual use of iPads is a way to empower students to maximize their full potential and to prepare them for college and the workplace. 

Click here to view the Southland iPad Policy.

PTO (Visit their page)

Southland Elementary School is proud to host the Southland Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). The PTO consists of several parents and teachers dedicated to the students of Southland School District. The goals of the PTO include: Communication,  fundraising, student services, and volunteerism.

Like the Southland Elementary PTO on Facebook.