There will be no school on January 21st due to the cold weather.

How-To Videos have been moved down the page.


Learning Collections

  1. ABCya 
  2. Turtle Diary
  3. ​Funbrain
  4. Shepphard Software
  5. Starfall


  1. IXL
  2. Math Playground
  3. Math is fun
  5. Math games
  6. Hoodamath
  7. Prodigy
  1. MusicPlayOnline
  2. Virtual Mrs. Freund's Music Room
  3. Xylo
  4. Blob Chorus
  5. Incredibox version 2
  6. Chrome Music Lab
  7. Math and Music
  8. Recorder Christmas Videos
  9. Creating Music
  10. Classics for Kids
  11. Composer Thinglink
  12. Music quizzes, games
  13. Austin Symphony Orchestra
  14. The Piano Guys
  15. Meet the Mariachi
  16. DSO Kids
  17. Rhythm Trainer
  18. Walk off the Earth sings "Hello"
  19. Marble Machine
  20. Patatap

Reading, Writing & Language
  1. Tweentribune
  2. Comic Creator
  3. Make Beliefs Comix
  4. Crickweb
  5. Stories Online
  6. Riddles Using Inference
  7. Rags to Riches
  8. Read Write Think Acrostic
  9. Free Rice - vocabulary
  10. Kahoot
  11. Spelling City
  12. PBS Kids
  13. Secret Codes
  14. Morse Code Translator
  15. Listen to Morse Code

  1. Minnesota  Bird Songs
  2. National Geographic Habitats
  3. Science
  4. The Science Spot
  5. A Walk in the Woods
  6. About Food Chains
  7. Planets - NASA
  8. Earth from Space
  9. Classification of Living Things
  10. Organization of Living Things
  11. Little Alchemy

Culture & Social Studies
  1. People of the American Revolution
  2. Women of the Revolutionary War
  3. MNopedia - history resources of Minnesota
  4. Ojibwe Material Culture
  5. Kids USA
  6. BrainPop
  7. Say Hello
  8. National Geographic
  9. 50 States
  10. Netstate
  11. Immigration Scholastic
  12. A Story About Diversity  
  13. Visit a Country
  14. Black History PBS

Technology & Internet
  1. Hour of Code
  2. Chair in Sketchup
  3. Digital Citizenship Assessment
  4. Inside The Computer
  5. Learn to Research
  6. Google Interland
  7. Google Classroom
  8. Netsmartz
  9. Cyberbee
  10. Internet Safety Livebinder
  11. RBS
  12. Account Chooser
  13. Advertising Quiz
Photos that are Okay to use:
  1. Pexels
  2. Pics4Learning
  3. Pixabay
  4. Photos for Class

How-To Videos for Distance Learning

Do an Assignment in Google Classroom

When you get an assignment how do you work on it?  Click the title to find out how to deal with Google Docs, Form, PDF or add attachment.

How to Find & Attach Assignments for Google Classroom

This video shows what to do so your  teacher gets your work.  Where is my homework? How do I attach a picture? How do I screenshot?  Watch this to find out.

How to Join a Google Class

This video shows what to do if you are notified of an invitation to a class and how to join the class. Click the title to see the video. When teachers do not send codes but have students in classes already, they just need to join.

How to Join a Google Class with a Code

This video shows what to do if your teacher has asked you to join a Google class and s/he gave you a code. Tap or click the title to see the video.

How to use Google Classroom for Students

This video shows how to get into a Google Classroom assignment and how things will look. Click the title to see the video.

  1. Search Engines

    Safesearch Kids



  2. Ducksters
  3. Factmonster
  5. Learning Tools
  6. Google Classroom
  7. ABC Education - games, resources, exploration at all levels
  8. Google Earth
2018-19 Year
3rd Grade Compositions 2019  Click here to hear compositions by Grade 3 students using codes: boomwhacker code, rhythm code and standard music notation.
Mrs. Klein's 4/5 Grade Click here to see the video of a descriptive musical piece created by students to showcase their invented instruments, recorders and classroom instruments.
  1. Kindergarten
  2. 1. ABCya  Counting & Math, Reading & Letters, Holiday activities and more
  3. 2. Turtle Diary  Activities organized by subject
  4. 3. Starfall  Learn to Read - word families, reading
  5. 4. Crickweb  Sorting, games, patterns
  6. Grade One
  7. 1. ABCya  Math, reading, patterns, time, sequencing
  8. 2. Turtle Diary  Skills practice by topic
  9. 3. Starfall  It's Fun to Read  first grade beginning reading activities
  10. 4. Starfall I'm Reading  the next level
  11. 5. A-Z Animals  
  12. 6. Chrome Music Lab
  13. 7. Math is Fun
  14. 8. Snowflake maker on The Kidz Page
  15. Grades 2-5
  16. 1. Concert Eval
  17. 2. The Literacy Shed
  18. 3. The Kid Should See This
  19. 4. National Geographic Kids
  20. 5. Inventor site - Mr. Nussbaum
  21. 6. The Star Spangled Banner (Smithsonian)
  22. 7. Interactive Musical Instruments
  23. 8. Music Theory Lessons
  24. 9. Make Me Genius